martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Nutrients and food. Types of nutrients

Pincha aqui. Nutrients

  • Activity 1: Using the information available in your textbook, answer the following questions:

a) Complete: Nutrients are substances we need for obtaining……………………… and for making our own living matter.

b) Could you say what food is?

  • Activity 2: Classify the following words into glucids, lipids, proteins, vitamins

or mineral salts: Starch / triglyceride / glucose / A / fructose / fatty acids / casein / E / cellulose /
haemoglobin / sodium chloride / cholesterol / albumin / C / amino acids / fibre /

  • Activity 3: The source of lipids are vegetable oils and animal fats. Can you

give some examples of foods containing them?

  • Activity 4: What is a diet? Use a dictionary to find an accurate definition of

this word.

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