What is a calorie and why is it important to know how many calories there are in certain foods?
A calorie is actually a unit of heat energy.
That's right. We think of calories as just things that are in food and
all foods have calories. But your body sees calories as energy and it's
energy to produce heat. And heat energy is what really fuels our body
just the same way that gasoline is what fuels your car's energy.
Now all foods have calories and different foods have different amounts of calories. Calories are provided by fat, carbohydrate, and protein.
Fats have the highest concentration of calories. That's nine calories
per gram of pure fat. Protein and carbohydrates each have four calories
per gram of pure protein or pure carbohydrate. Alcohol, pure alcohol,
has seven calories per gram. So understanding the role of calories in
your diet can help you balance your calories in with your calories out,
and help you achieve weight management goals.
Now you can look at, find out the calories in foods by looking at the
calorie label or the nutrition facts panel on packages of processed
foods. They will all have the number of calories per serving and the
portion size per serving. And using these tools, you can help yourself
estimate how many calories you're taking in per day.
(From: Keith Ayoob, Ed.D., R.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Pincha aqui: http://www.calorieking.com
1: Calculating
the calories you eat
Calculate how many calories you can obtain from the
following meal:
- one serving of spaghetti (80 g) with cheese (50 g)
and tomato sauce (100 g
of tomato and 20 g of olive oil)
- a pork chop (125 g) with chips (100 g) and lettuce
(75 g)
- an apple (150 g)
- 50 g of bread
Total amount of kcal from this meal: ----
Remember: Every day about 55 % of energy you obtain from food
should come from glucids; about ----
% from lipids and about ---- % from proteins.
a) Usually about the 20 % the energy should come from
breakfast, about 40 % from lunch and about 20 % from dinner. According to
this, do you think the lunch above is a balanced one or not?
b) Where do you think the remaining 20 % of energy
comes from?
c) If we get too much energy from our diet we
d) If we get too little energy from our diet we
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